With technological advancements, custom earplugs are more automated and have features to facilitate communication even in noisy environments.

Have You Been Working In a Loud Environment? Do You Have Trouble Hearing?

by | Oct 9, 2022 | Hearing Health, Patient Resources

Like phones, TVs, computers, and other high-tech gadgets, hearing aids have undergone significant technological advancements over recent years.

The best hearing aids today are customized and designed to track brain and body health, virtually remove noise feedback, allow easier listening in noisy surroundings, and promote optimal comfort.

These are some of the smart features you get with custom earplugs from Hometown Hearing Centre in Ontario, ideal for working in loud environments and for preventing noise-induced hearing loss.

Activity Tracking and Hearing

Custom earplugs from Hometown Hearing Centre are an absolute must for putting yourself in a better working condition and for protecting your ears.

Our models are the first hearing aids featuring artificial intelligence and integrated sensors, so you can track cognitive health and physical activity (as measured by the use of a hearing aid.)

Depending on where you work daily, this can be an invaluable resource for monitoring your health and decreasing noise-induced hearing loss.

Customized Listening Experience

Every person has a unique sound perspective. By customizing the relationship between loud sounds and soft sounds, you can significantly boost listening comfort with our hearing aids for every person.

Hometown Hearing Centre is more than capable of creating custom earplugs for your loud work environments, so you can lower your risk for noise-induced hearing loss and can be fully aware of everything happening around you.

Comfortable Sound in All Environments

A new ultra-modern operating system distinguishes your current environment and focuses on speech preservation automatically; this facilitates easier understanding and hearing, regardless of the source of the noise.

Booking an appointment to be fitted for custom earplugs at Hometown Hearing Centre gives you the chance to understand whenever someone is speaking, whether you’re in a loud or quiet environment.

Hearing Phone Calls

You can use an iPhone to hear your phone calls directly using our custom earplugs without an intermediate device. In addition, the smartphone compatibility of our hearing aids lets you place the phone on one ear while hearing the call in both ears.

These features make our hearing aids the best option for anyone who regularly works around loud noises, to protect against noise-induced hearing loss.

Hear Well No Matter Where You Are

Custom earplugs from Hometown Hearing Centre know your location! Imagine an intelligent hearing system capable of telling you your present location; this is yet another feature you get with our smartphone-compatible earplugs. From the time you leave for the workday, all the way until you come home, you can make sure your hearing is protected.

Prevent Hearing Loss With Hometown Hearing Centre

With technological advancements, custom earplugs are more automated and have features to facilitate communication even in noisy environments. At Hometown Hearing Centre in Ontario, we provide you with high-tech custom earplugs that help you avoid noise-induced hearing loss. Order one now.

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Your Team at Hometown Hearing Centre

At Hometown Hearing Centre, we are committed to providing the highest levels of hearing care to our patients across Ontario. Since opening our doors in 2015, we have become the first choice hearing care provider for over 25,000 people. Our team of over 40 local hearing professionals includes hearing instrument specialists, a former ENT practitioner, and patient care coordinators who are dedicated to delivering personalized care tailored to each patient's unique needs and circumstances. Our team of experts regularly writes informative blogs to keep our patients informed about the latest news, tips, and tricks in hearing care. With our extensive experience and dedication to patient care, you can trust the team at Hometown Hearing Centre to be your hearing health partners for life.
