Why Are More Younger People Wearing Hearing Aids?
Have you noticed that more young people are wearing hearing aids these days? When you think of hearing aids, you likely associate them with your parents and grandparents. But as the world has grown increasingly louder, more and more young people are noticing the...

Understanding Unilateral Hearing Loss: What It Is and What It Means for You
Do you ever find yourself reminding friends and family to speak into your “good” ear? If the answer is “yes,” then know you’re not alone. Unilateral hearing loss, also known as single sided hearing loss, impacts a significant number of Canadian adults. Unilateral...

Exploring the Different Types of Hearing Loss: A Comprehensive Overview
Chances are, if you’re not experiencing hearing loss yourself, you know someone who is. Hearing loss is an incredibly common condition here in Canada and around the world. Did you know that 60 percent of the Canadian adult population suffers from hearing loss? It may...

Demystifying the Cost of Hearing Aids With Hometown Hearing
Navigating the world of hearing aids can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to the question of cost. “How much do hearing aids cost?” is a query we at Hometown Hearing get quite frequently. The answer, however, isn’t always straightforward, as many variables...

Five Different Ways to Remove Wax from Clogged up Ears
If you feel like your ears are clogged up or blocked, there’s a good chance that it’s a result of earwax buildup. And this is quite normal, so don’t worry! Earwax serves an important purpose. Your body naturally produces earwax to trap dirt that gets into your ears....

Rediscover Clearer Sound with Hometown Hearing’s Better Hearing Campaign
This fall, Hometown Hearing opens its doors for everyone eager to embrace clear and vibrant sounds as part of the Better Hearing campaign. Past participants in our test drive programs found a new lease on life through the innovative solutions provided by Hometown...

The Startling Increase in Hearing Loss among Children: Unraveling the Whys
At Hometown Hearing Centre, we’ve often treated patients of all ages, but a new trend has been emerging in recent years; a startling rise in hearing loss is happening among children, and we need to pay attention. The belief that hearing loss is primarily an aging...

How to Help a Loved One With Hearing Loss
“Being around my loved one who is struggling with their hearing is frustrating, but what can I do to help?”We understand the strain hearing challenges place on friends, family, and coworkers. So, the fact that you are concerned is a major step toward helping them find...

The Shocking Link Between Cognitive Decline and Hearing Loss: What Recent Research Reveals
Navigating life with untreated hearing loss is challenging enough, but now, a growing body of scientifically reviewed research is revealing a shocking connection between untreated hearing loss and cognitive decline. Increasingly, these scientific papers are delving...

Uncovering What Stops People From Tackling Their Hearing Problems – Insights From Our Hearing Health Journeys
At Hometown Hearing, we are well aware of one of the most significant challenges within the hearing health industry: the gap between the number of people who need treatment for their hearing issues and those who actively seek help. Many individuals either postpone...

The Top 4 Hearing Aids for Tinnitus
Tinnitus is a common condition that can cause a ringing or buzzing sensation in the ears. It can be a symptom of hearing loss or an underlying medical condition. While tinnitus has no cure, treatments are available to help manage symptoms. Hearing aids are one of the...

Should You Get an Online Hearing Test?
Online hearing tests have become increasingly popular in recent years as technology has advanced and become more accessible. With the convenience of taking a hearing test from the comfort of home, more and more people are turning to online options to save time and...

How Does the Phonak Invisible Hearing Aid Work?
One of the biggest objections we hear at Hometown Hearing Centres is “I don’t want people to see my hearing aid.” We understand that vanity plays an important role in deciding which hearing aid is right for you, which is why we’re happy to share some much-requested...

How to Have Your Ears Professionally Cleaned in Ontario
This article will be your guide if you’re thinking about an earwax removal appointment, or if you've already booked one. You might not know what to expect at an earwax removal appointment, but that’s quite normal. Even though they’re convenient, safe, and pain-free,...

Concerned About Ringing in the Ears and Dizziness? Here’s What You Need to Know
If you’ve recently felt dizzy or heard a ringing in your ears, it’s helpful to understand what that means. Dizziness and tinnitus (a ringing in the ear) happen for many reasons, which is why a proper assessment is a great first step.Symptoms Our vestibular senses are...

What Age Do You Think You Should Start Getting Your Hearing Tested?
In order for you to remain as healthy as possible, it’s crucial to think of a hearing test as a screening instead of an exam. Many people live on the assumption that those who take hearing tests have a problem, just like assuming people taking vision tests have seeing...

Ototoxicity: How Modern Medications Can Lead To Hearing Loss
Hearing loss is a common problem that can occur at any age. It can be the result of many different factors, including exposure to loud noises, aging, and certain medications. Ototoxicity is the term used to describe hearing loss that is caused by medications. While...

How to Speak to Someone with Hearing Loss
Those who experience hearing loss may feel left out or frustrated when attempting to communicate with friends, family members, or co-workers. That won't be the case anymore. Hometown Hearing Centre in Ontario has provided a few tips on how to effectively speak to...

Help a Loved One Who Is Losing Their Hearing
Do you find yourself repeating the same thing over and over to your elderly loved ones because they can’t hear? There is no need to worry, as it is a common occurrence. 1 in 3 adults suffer from hearing loss as they get older. The number rises to 1 in 2 adults, for...

Hearing Loss and Balance
Do you get dizzy and/or fall down a lot? Have you ever thought it might be related to your hearing? Though it is pretty common to experience a brief spell of dizziness, it is estimated that only about 40% of people seek medical help because of significant dizziness...

Have You Been Working In a Loud Environment? Do You Have Trouble Hearing?
Like phones, TVs, computers, and other high-tech gadgets, hearing aids have undergone significant technological advancements over recent years. The best hearing aids today are customized and designed to track brain and body health, virtually remove noise feedback,...

Ear Wax, Hearing Loss, & What You Should Know
It may be pretty uncommon, but it is possible to suffer from partial hearing loss caused by earwax buildup. Earwax is actually very beneficial for our ear, because it traps dust and bacteria that would otherwise enter the ear. However, excess earwax can cause hearing...

Do You Fall Down a Lot? Could It Be Related to Your Hearing?
Do you experience passing dizziness where you feel like you momentarily lose your balance? Though it is pretty common to experience a brief spell of dizziness, only about 40 percent of people seek medical help because of significant dizziness episodes. In fact, this...

Did You Know That Hearing Loss Is Twice as Common in People with Diabetes?
Many times people think hearing loss is a common disease for older people. However, hearing loss is more common in people with diabetes than in those with normal blood sugar levels. In fact, hearing impairment happens slowly and can go unnoticed until it becomes a...

Can Hearing Loss Cause Cognitive Issues?
Hearing loss is a serious issue that can impact your quality of life in a number of ways. Not only can hearing loss make it difficult to communicate with others, but it can also lead to cognitive decline. In this blog post, Hometown Hearing Centre, the top-rated...