Custom Hearing Protection to Help You Hear Better Longer
None of us think twice about putting on protective gear when we participate in various sporting events or work activities, but we tend to take a more relaxed approach when it comes to protecting our ears.
Like any other part of your body, your ears rely on the care you provide in order to function properly. The right level of care, including proper protection, can mean that you’ll enjoy better hearing for longer.
The second leading cause of hearing loss overall and the primary cause of hearing loss in individuals under the age of 65 is noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL). In addition, noise exposure when you’re young can hasten the pace of presbycusis as you age.
Fortunately, the damage is preventable, and Hometown Hearing Centre has locations with a dedicated team of individuals ready to help with custom hearing protection for work, hobbies, social activities and more.

What Is Noise-Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL)?
Noise-induced hearing loss is permanent damage to the tiny hair cells in your ears, known as stereocilia, from loud sounds. These hair cells do not regrow and are non-replaceable.
NIHL usually makes it difficult to hear high-frequency sounds, like the voices of women and children, and those with a high-frequency hearing loss struggle to make sense of words with “s,” “f,” “sh” and “th” sounds in them. Other signs of NIHL include:
- Pain in your ears following loud noise exposure.
- You talk too loud or shout when talking to others.
- Ringing, whooshing, roaring or buzzing sounds in your ears, known as tinnitus.
- Hearing loss in both ears with one ear being far worse (asymmetrical hearing loss).
- Miners
- Oil and gas extraction
- Agriculture
- Forestry and lumber
- Construction and carpentry
- Military

In addition to damage caused at work, many activities included in hobbies, social activities and household chores can also lead to NIHL without proper protection, including:
- Hunting and shooting sports
- Riding motorcycles and snowmobiles
- Attending loud concerts, major sporting events or going out to the club
- Operating lawn and home improvement equipment
- Using earphones or earbuds at high volumes
4 Steps to Ensure the Future of Your Hearing
1. Recognize when things are too loud.
2. Assess the damage you’ve already done.
3. Wear hearing protection during activities known to cause damage to your ears.
Even disposable foam earplugs provide some hearing protection against NIHL, but if you’re regularly exposed to loud noise at work, while doing household chores or during recreational activities, invest in custom ear protection that provides the precise amount of protection you need.
4. Take steps to avoid exposure to loud noise.
Hearing Protection Available from Hometown Hearing Centre
Proper protection can include specialized electronic earmuffs that prevent damaging hearing loss by reducing noise from gunfire or loud machinery. Select styles further allow you to amplify low-level sounds, making these sport headphones ideal for activities like hunting while providing an adjustable and secure fit for your protection.
Earmolds are also available for hunting, shooting and sudden noise. These earplugs filter instantaneous noise by closing when damaging noise levels are reached but allow for normal hearing at all other times.
Sleep Plugs – Comfortable and uninterrupted rest. Great for shift workers with non-traditional hours.
Motorsport Plugs – Designed with a hollow canal for under helmet use to reduce wind buffeting.
Occupational Plugs – Ideal for high-noise industrial environments and construction sites.
iCustom Plugs – Use with any bud/button style earphones.
Request a Callback
The future of your hearing depends on how well you take care of your ears now.
The professionals at the Hometown Hearing Centre nearest you can help you hear better after you’ve done the damage, but we’d rather prevent it by providing you with custom earplugs to protect your ears at work, when you’re doing chores around the house or while enjoying your favourite activities.
Submit the adjacent form and a member of our team will call you back to address your questions or concerns or help schedule an appointment.
Don’t want to wait? Call us today.